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    PKL Dengklok Akan Digusur

    Jumat, 29 Mei 2009
    RENGASDENGKLOK, RAKA - Dalam waktu dekat PKL (Pedagang Kaki Lima) Rengasdengklok rencananya akan digusur, menyusul penertiban PKL yang kini dilakukan Satpol PP se-kabupaten. Himbauan untuk membongkar lapak PKL telah disebarkan beberapa hari ini kepada semua pedagang yang dianggap berjualan di lokasi terlarang.
    Menanggapi hal ini, seorang pedagang mie ayam yang berjualan di atas saluran air, Roy, mengatakan, jika harus harus dipindahkan maka dia akan mengikuti peraturan itu. Dia pun menyadari usahanya selama ini berdiri di atas saluran air. Diakuinya, dia memang sengaja membangun warung di tempat umum, tapi demi memenuhi ekonomi, tak ada cara lain selain mendirikan warungnya itu. "Ya harus gimana lagi, niat saya cuma mencari rejeki," katanya.
    Hal senada diungkapkan pedagang lainnya, Rudi (43), dia akan mencari lokasi jualan baru sebelum hari pembongkaran lapaknya. Dia meminta kepada pihak berwenang supaya jangan memaksanya untuk hengkang dari tempat usahanya, apalagi dibongkar paksa. "Saya hanya minta waktu kepada petugas berwenang untuk mencari lokasi yang cocok untuk usaha, jangan sampai tempat usaha saya dibongkar mendadak," ucapnya.
    Kendati demikian, hingga kemarin para PKL terlihat masih tenang-tenang saja, tidak terlalu khawatir tentang penertiban ini. Hanya sebagian kecil saja diantara PKL yang kemarin terlihat bingung pindah, karena jika harus menyewa tempat seperti di Shelbi Plaza biayanya tidak sedikit. Selebaran penertiban PKL ini telah diterima PKL sejak Desember 2008. Beberapa diantara pedagang memperlihatkan lembaran surat teguran tersebut. (sigit)
    The PKL Dengklok City Will Be Dragged
    RENGASDENGKLOK, RAKA - In the near future PKL (the Stallholder) Rengasdengklok his plan will be dragged, following the PKL control that currently is carried out by Satpol PP more than one regency. The appeal to tear down the PKL place was spread the last few days to all the traders who it was considered sold in the location was banned.
    Responded to this, a trader of chicken noodles who sold on the water channel, Roy, said, if must have to be moved then he will obey the regulation. He then realised his efforts uptil now stood on the water channel. He admitted, he was quite deliberate built the stall in the place of the public, but in order to fill economics, there was no other method apart from establishing his stall. "I can't do anything, my intention only sought a living," he said.
    The similar matter was revealed by the other trader, Rudi (43), he will look for the location of new merchandise before the demolition day of his place. He ask for to the authorised side to have to not force him to hengkang from the place of his efforts, everything was forced open. "I only asked time to the authorised official to look for the location that was suitable for efforts, lest the place of my efforts was torn down suddenly," he said.
    Despite this, till yesterday PKL was seen still was just very calm, was not too worried about this control. Only a small part around PKL that yesterday was seen confused to move, because if must lease the place like in Shelbi Plaza his cost not a little. This PKL control leaflet was accepted by PKL since December 2008. Some of the traders showed the sheet of this warning letter. (sigit)
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