RENGASDENGKLOK, RAKA - Panitia lokal Kecamatan Rengasdengklok mempersiapkan acara O2SN (Olimpiade Olahraga dan Seni Nasional) tingkat Kabupaten Karawang 6 Mei 2009 mendatang. Persiapan ini dilakukan sejak 30 Maret 2009 lalu. Selama latihan banyak evaluasi gerakan, ini supaya tampil baik pada saat pembukaan nanti.
Disela latihan, Kepala UPTD TK,SD juga yang bertanggungjawab O2SN, Drs. Muhrodi Suruzi mengatakan, sesuai latihan, pada acara pembukaan nanti akan menampilkan Rampak Kendang, Pencak Silat, Baris Berbaris, Puisi, Pidato dan Pupuh yang dikemas dalam satu cerita sejak negeri ini dijajah sampai masa kemerdekaan sekarang. Tema pendidikan dan kemerdekaan ini sesuai lokasi kegiatan O2SN tingkat Kabupaten Karawang di Tugu Proklamasi Rengasdengklok.
Tampilan cerita ini musiknya disutradarai Kepala SDN Rengasdengklok Utara V, Uno Suparno dan dibantu dua putra Rengasdengklok yang kuliah di STSI (Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia) yaitu Indra dan Hendra. Pada pagelaran tersebut, melibatkan sedikitnya 60-an anak SD yang dilatih. "Kami, telah mempersiapkan sarana dan prasarana baik untuk pertandingan maupun perlombaan O2SB Kabupaten Karawang," kata Muhrodi di tengah kesibukannya mengawasi latihan.
Dijelaskan Muhrodi, peserta pertandingan dan lomba O2SN Kecamatan Rengasdengklok kini masih dalam tahap pembinaan. Dia berharap, tuan rumah ini bisa menjadi juara umum. Diketahui, semua kecamatan se-Kabupaten Karawang telah melaksanakan O2SN di tingkat kecamatan masing-masing. Dan siswa yang berprestasi di tingkat kecamatan akan dilombakan kembali ke tingkat kabupaten, provinsi, nasional hingga internasional. (spn)
The host O2SN Persiapkan Acara Pembukaan the Level of the Karawang Regency
RENGASDENGKLOK, RAKA - the local Committee of the Rengasdengklok Subdistrict prepared the agenda O2SN (Olahraga olympic games and Nasional Art) the level of the Karawang Regency this coming May 6 2009. These preparations were carried out since last March 30 2009. For the exercise of many evaluations of the movement, this to appear good at the time of the opening later.
In the exercise gap, the Head of UPTD TK,SD also that was responsible O2SN, Drs. Muhrodi Suruzi will say, in accordance with the exercise, in the opening ceremony later will put forward Dense Kendang, Pencak Parry, the Line lined up, Poetry, the Speech and Pupuh that had been packed in one story since this country is colonised to the independence period now. The theme of education and this independence in accordance with the location of the activity O2SN the level of the Karawang Regency in the Pillar of the Rengasdengklok Proclamation.
The appearance this story his music was directed by the SDN Rengasdengklok Utara V Head, Uno Suparno and was helped two Putra Rengasdengklok that went to class in STSI (the College of Seni Indonesia) that is Indra and Hendra. In this performance, involved at least in the 60 's the child the PRIMARY SCHOOL that was trained. "We, prepared means and the infrastructure was good for the match and the race of O2SB Kabupaten Karawang," said Muhrodi in the middle of his activity supervised the exercise.
Explained by Muhrodi, participants in the match and the race of O2SN Kecamatan Rengasdengklok currently still in the management stage. He hoped, this host could become the public's champion. Known, all the subdistricts of more than one Karawang Regency carry out O2SN in the level of their respective subdistrict. And the student who was high-achieving in the level of the subdistrict would dilombakan returned to the level of the regency, the province, national through to international. (spn)
The host O2SN Persiapkan Acara Pembukaan the Level of the Karawang Regency
RENGASDENGKLOK, RAKA - the local Committee of the Rengasdengklok Subdistrict prepared the agenda O2SN (Olahraga olympic games and Nasional Art) the level of the Karawang Regency this coming May 6 2009. These preparations were carried out since last March 30 2009. For the exercise of many evaluations of the movement, this to appear good at the time of the opening later.
In the exercise gap, the Head of UPTD TK,SD also that was responsible O2SN, Drs. Muhrodi Suruzi will say, in accordance with the exercise, in the opening ceremony later will put forward Dense Kendang, Pencak Parry, the Line lined up, Poetry, the Speech and Pupuh that had been packed in one story since this country is colonised to the independence period now. The theme of education and this independence in accordance with the location of the activity O2SN the level of the Karawang Regency in the Pillar of the Rengasdengklok Proclamation.
The appearance this story his music was directed by the SDN Rengasdengklok Utara V Head, Uno Suparno and was helped two Putra Rengasdengklok that went to class in STSI (the College of Seni Indonesia) that is Indra and Hendra. In this performance, involved at least in the 60 's the child the PRIMARY SCHOOL that was trained. "We, prepared means and the infrastructure was good for the match and the race of O2SB Kabupaten Karawang," said Muhrodi in the middle of his activity supervised the exercise.
Explained by Muhrodi, participants in the match and the race of O2SN Kecamatan Rengasdengklok currently still in the management stage. He hoped, this host could become the public's champion. Known, all the subdistricts of more than one Karawang Regency carry out O2SN in the level of their respective subdistrict. And the student who was high-achieving in the level of the subdistrict would dilombakan returned to the level of the regency, the province, national through to international. (spn)