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    Pendidikan Harus Jadi Prioritas Utama

    Jumat, 24 April 2009
    KUTAWALUYA, RAKA - Masyarakat harus menempatkan pendidikan sebagai prioritas utama dan sebuah kebutuhan diatas kebutuhan lainnya, karena dimasa yang akan datang kebutuhan kompeten pendidikan ini sangat tinggi. Segala perubahan global saat ini baru bisa dilakukan melalui pendidikan.
    Demikian kata Kepala SMK Perbankan Indonesia, Bambang Pranowo kepada RAKA, Kamis (23/4) siang di ruang kerjanya. Menurutnya, tujuan pendidikan ada tiga, diantaranya psykomotor (keterampilan), kognitif (kemampuan intelektual) dan affektive (sikap). Untuk mewujudkan itu, siapapun yang ingin menimba ilmu tentunya membutuhkan biaya yang relatif, bahkan mengeluarkan biaya besar. Kendati mengeluarkan biaya, kemampuannya pun bisa terukur. Beda dengan biaya kecil yang akan mendapatkan hasil kurang memuaskan.
    "Mana mungkin bisa terampil tanpa teknologi dan sarana yang mendukung, karena untuk tiga hal itu butuh biaya besar, Apalagi membentuk sikap siswa yang sebagian orang menganggapnya sulit, mendidik hal itu harus berkesinambungan, untuk itu perlu sarana pendukung untuk membentuk sikap dan siswa terampil," jelasnya.
    Proses pendidikan, lanjutnya, tidak semata harus berada dalam ruang kelas atau disebut belajar klasik, karena saat ini perubahan global terus berkembang pesat dan semua termasuk siswa harus bisa mengikutinya. Ruang sekolah sangat sempit jika hanya mendidik sikap siswa. Tak jarang, selain sekolah formal banyak orang tua membawa anaknya ke pondok pesantren khusus untuk pembinaan sikap anak dari buruk ke sikap yang baik. "Pendidikan tidak hanya dalam ruang kelas, pendidikan itu kompetitif dan bersaing secara global," paparnya menceritakan perkembangan internet yang saat ini menjadi 'edutainment' atau media pendidikan siswa yang menghibur.
    Sementara ini, SMK Perbankan Indonesia telah melaksanakan UN (Ujian Nasional) pada 20-22 April 2009 kemarin. Ujian di SMK ini diawali pada Februari 2009 lalu dengan melaksanakn uji kompetensi bidang produktif, setelah selesai uji kompetensi dilanjutkan uji kompetensi normatif dan adaptif, disusul ujian nasional teori kejuruan pada 24 Maret 2009 lalu. Setelah UN, sekolah ini akan melaksanakan UAS (Ujian Akhir Sekolah) di awal Mei 2009 mendatang.
    Menghadapi PSB (Penerimaan Siswa Baru) SMK Perbankan Indonesia memiliki acuan 'Competitive Advantage', artinya keunggulan bersaing, yaitu memiliki agenda dalam memberdayakan potensi yang dimiliki siswa. Dengan begitu, persaingan lembaga sekolah diwujudkan dengan mengarahkan siswa menjadi individu yang punya karakter sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, termasuk interaksi yang bagus dan orientasinya luas, juga skill-nya. "Ini jadi keunggulan kita, ruang ekpresi siswa juga kita perluas dengan cara menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang sesuai dengan bakat anak itu sendiri," imbuhnya. (spn)

    Education must be the Main Priority

    KUTAWALUYA, RAKA - the Community must place education as the main priority and a requirement on the other requirement, because dimasa that will come the competent requirement for this education was very high. All the global changes at this time just could be carried out through education.

    Was like this the headword of SMK Perbankan Indonesia, Bambang Pranowo to RAKA, on Thursday early afternoon (23/4) in his office. According to him, the aim of education was three, among them psykomotor (skills), cognitive (the intellectual's capacity) and affektive (the attitude). To create that, who that want to studied definitely needed the relative cost, in fact spent the big cost. Although spending the cost, his capacity could be then measured. Unlike the small cost that will get results was more unsatisfactory.

    "How could it be that could be skilled without technology and supportive means, because for three that needed the big cost, Let Alone forming the student's attitude that some people regarded him was difficult, educated that must be continous, so needed supporting means of forming the attitude and the skilled student," he explained.

    The process of education, he continued, not only must be in the classroom or was acknowledged as studying classic, because at this time the global change continued to develop fast and all must be able to including the student join him. School space was very crowded if only educated the student's attitude. Not rare, apart from the formal school of many parents brought his child to the special islamic boarding school for the management of the child's attitude from bad to the good attitude. "Education not only in the classroom, the education was competitive and competitive globally," he explained told the development of the internet that at this time to 'edutainment' or the media of the student's education that entertained.

    Now this, SMK Perbankan Indonesia carried out the UN (the Nasional Exam) on April 20-22 2009 yesterday. The exam in SMK this was preceeded last February 2009 with melaksanakn the productive test of broad competence, after being finished the competence test was continued by the normative competence test and adaptif, was followed by the national exam the theory kejuruan last March 24 2009. After the UN, this school will carry out UAS (the Sekolah Final Examination) in the beginning of this coming May 2009.

    Faced PSB (Acceptance of the Baru Student) SMK Perbankan Indonesia had the 'Competitive Advantage' reference, meaning that the superiority competed, that is having the agenda in empowering the potential that was owned by the student. In this way, the competition for the school agency was realised by guiding the student to the individual who had the character in accordance with the requirement for the community, including the good interaction and the orientation him was wide, also skill him. "This was our superiority, space ekpresi the student was also widened by us by means of holding the activity that in accordance with the child's talent personally," he added. (spn)

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