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    Judi Sabung Ayam Digerebeg Polsek Dengklok

    Jumat, 24 April 2009
    JAYAKERTA, RAKA - Puluhan pelaku judi sabung ayam berlarian kocar-kacir ketika digerebeg jajaran Polsek Rengasdengklok, di Kampung Teluk Bunder, Desa Dewisari, Kecamatan Rengasdengklok, Kamis (23/4) siang, pukul 15.00 WIB. Penggerebegan ini berdasarkan laporan warga setempat yang resah dengan judi tersebut.
    Laporan warga itu ditindak lanjuti Kapolsek Rengasdengklok, AKP Muji Harja, dia langsung memimpin pemberantasan judi tersebut. Ditegaskan Kapolsek, tidak ada tawar menawar tentang perjudian di wilayah hukumnya. Pada penggerebegan ini, tak satu pun penjudi yang tertangkap, kecuali barang bukti berupa sandal jepit penjudi yang berserakan, jam dinding yang digunakan untuk waktu pertandingan ayam dan terpal untuk digunakan area adu ayam.
    Diketahui, hampir di setiap desa, judi sabung ayam ini kerap dilakukan warga untuk mendapatkan uang taruhan. Pada penggerebegan kemarin, warga berhamburan tunggang langgang ketika didatangi polisi bermotor dengan pakaian preman. Awalnya warga yang sedang asik main judi sabung ayam tak menduga jika yang mendekati mereka adalah polisi, tapi setelah Kapolsek AKP Muji Harja bersama anggotanya mendekati penjudi ini, mereka langsung kocar-kacir.
    Dijelaskan AKP Muji Harja, meski pihaknya tidak menangkap pelaku judi, setidaknya penggerebegan itu sebagai 'shock terapy' supaya warga jera dan tidak lagi melakukan perjudian itu. Kepada masyarakat setempat, dia menghimbau jika ada hal serupa agar melaporkan ke polisi. (spn)

    Cockfight gambling was ambushed Sector Police Dengklok

    JAYAKERTA, RAKA - Dozens Of perpetrators of scattering cockfight gambling disorganised when being ambushed by the rank Sector Police Rengasdengklok, in the Teluk Bunder Village, Desa Dewisari, Kecamatan Rengasdengklok, on Thursday early afternoon (23/4), struck 15,00 of WIB. It's was based on the report on the local resident who was restless with this gambling.

    The report on the resident was had action taken against him to Sector Police Chief Rengasdengklok, AKP Muji Harja, he at once led the eradication of this gambling. It was stressed Sector Police Chief, not there is bargained bargained about gambling in his legal territory. In this raid, not even one gambler that was arrested, except for the material evidence took the form of thongs gambler that was scattered about, the wall clock that was used for time and canvas of the chicken match to be used the area pitted the chicken.

    Known, almost in each village, this cockfight gambling was often carried out by the resident to get money for the bet. In the raid yesterday, the resident jumped head over heels when being visited by motorised police with civilian clothes. Initially the resident who was engrosseding in gambling the cockfight did not suspect if that approached them was police, but after Sector Police Chief AKP Muji Harja with his member approached this gambler, they at once were disorganised

    Explained by AKP Muji Harja, although his side did not catch the perpetrator of gambling, at least the raid as 'shock terapy' to the wary resident and no longer carried out the gambling. To the local community, he made a plea if having the similar matter so that reported to police. (spn)

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